13 April 2008

USS Ronald Reagan

USS Ronald Reagan, originally uploaded by foodchronicles.

Went to Point Loma Friday. Saw the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) leaving the bay to head out to sea for exercises on April 18th. Should be standard Air/Sea exercises to hone some skills.

The ship is very impressive. Limited group tours are currently available for JROTC, high school students, reunion groups, etc. The ship is not scheduling public, private or family tours at this time. Learn more about what they do, by clicking on the link above.

When you get to the site, click on the news tab. There are some very interesting stories about the ship and its crew. They recently received their Blue Water designation, meaning the ship can now act as a landing strip and fueling/repair base for planes that are out of land range to put it in simple terms. Pretty neat.